04 June 2014

This is a small snippets set for media queries, if you don’t want to learn/use a framework like sussy or breakpoint, you may like this

  background: red
    background: green
    background: blue

mixin below

$mobile: 480px
$tablet: 1024px

=min( $min )
  @media (min-width: $min + 1)

=max( $max )
  @media (max-width: $max)

=between( $min, $max )
  @media (min-width: $min + 1) and (max-width: $max)

  @if $device == mobile // 0 ~ $mobile
  @else if $device == desktop // $tablet ~ 
  @else if $device == not-mobile // $mobile ~ 
  @else if $device == tablet // $mobile ~ $tablet
    +between($mobile, $tablet)

// create your own aliases