26 June 2014

For example, the largest international paper size of A series in photoshop is A3

image 1

To add A2, A1, A0, we can set custom size and ‘Save Preset’.

image 1

But it looks not good because photoshop don’t know they are under International Paper A Series actually.

image 1

That’s better, right?

image 1

To do this, open the file ‘Default New Doc Sizes.txt’ under ‘Adobe Photoshop CC/Locales/en_US/’ and search ‘A4’, you will find:

image 1

Copy, paste, edit

image 1

Quit & relaunch photoshop, that’s it, you can add more missing size now.

p.s. the location of ‘Default New Doc Sizes.txt’ depends on what version and lauguage of Photoshop we’ve installed