26 June 2014

When you use vim, if you select some text and replace others, it is annoying the paste buffer is overwriten by the removed text. You cannot paste again and again. This config is helpful to avoid this situation (put it in ~/.vimrc)

function! RestoreRegister()
  let @" = s:restore_reg
  return ''

function! s:Repl()
  let s:restore_reg = @"
  return "p@=RestoreRegister()\<cr>"
vmap <silent> <expr> p <sid>Repl()

additionnal comment from hSATAC

It may not work well if you have set clipboard=unnamed, in which case you can use:

function! RestoreRegister()
  let @" = s:restore_reg
  if &clipboard == "unnamed"
    let @* = s:restore_reg
  return ''