08 August 2014

Here is the git plugin I enabled in oh-my-zsh

To enable the plugin:

vim ~/.zshrc
plugins=(git git-flow tmux rails ruby zsh-syntax-highlighting rake gem brew npm)

Now you can use some alias the plugin provided. To name a few:

gco BRANCH = git checkout BRANCH
grbi = git rebase -i
gcmsg = git commit -m

You can see the full list with

alias | grep git

A useful one is current_branch (use the backtick). I use this when I specify which branch I want to deploy.

Another git tool that deserves attention is the gem git-up

The problem of git pull is that instead of rebase it merge the upstream. This will make the git graph messy. git-up uses pull --rebase on all your local branch from the origin. No more checkout-and-pull loop anymore.