01 May 2014

Naiting is doing front-end but he’s leveling up in ruby coding, and he found this monkey patching especially useful in the context of testing:

class Array
      def to_os
        self.map{ |x| OpenStruct.new(x) }

Then rather than

@subjects= [
      OpenStruct.new(:type => 'academics', :title => 'Language A', :icon => 'language_a'),
      OpenStruct.new(:type => 'academics', :title => 'Second Language', :icon => 'language_b'),
      OpenStruct.new(:type => 'academics', :title => 'Experimental Sciences', :icon => 'sciences')

you can

@subjects = [
      {:type => 'academics', :title => 'Language A', :icon => 'language_a')},
      {:type => 'academics', :title => 'Second Language', :icon => 'language_b')},
      {:type => 'academics', :title => 'Experimental Sciences', :icon => 'sciences')},

or even, have fake data stored in a yaml file

@subjects = YAML.load_file("subjects.yml').to_os