Lets say you accidentally delete a user and want to put him back. I will go grab a db backup and intentionally delete this user to get the related deletion sql log (on all associated tables). Copy those log and do (because on mac)
pbpaste | grep DELETE FROM
We will get the related sql. Import the backup again and go Query
in the Sequel Pro. Reverse the delete sql to select. For example, if we have
SQL (0.4ms) DELETE FROM `field_string_values` WHERE `field_string_values`.`id` = 1054006
SQL (0.4ms) DELETE FROM `field_string_values` WHERE `field_string_values`.`id` = 1062308
Then the select sql should be:
SELECT `field_string_values `.* from `field_string_values ` WHERE `field_string_values `.`id` IN (1062308, 1054006);
In the lower window we will get the query result. Right click and select COPY as SQL inset
and paste it in the mysql console then you are done! Keep doing this till all DELETE is restore. Then you have the student back.